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Staying Informed

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Boomers have several methods to stay connected with club events and activities. This website, of course, is an always up-to-date resource. In addition, the club sends out newsletters/announcements via email (, publishes articles in the Rossmoor News, and circulates flyers at major events. These communication methods are detailed below. 



Boomers Forever Email (


When the Boomers Forever Membership Form is completed, the email address(es) you supply are entered into our membership database. We send a confirmation to that address along with some base information. We do encourage you to add the club email address to your email address book so that the provider won't inadvertently route our emails to your spam folder. 


We send out periodic email anouncements of upcoming events, volunteer opportunities, etc. Since this is the primary method of communication, please let us know of any changes to your email address.


You can also use to submit general questions, contact a board member, volunteer for an event, make suggestions, etc. A board member will generally respond with a day or so. 



Boomers Forever Rossmoor on NextDoor (aka The Chat Board)


To replace our Yahoo Chat Board (Ribbit94595), we have created a subset of NextDoor. This is a private chatboard, limited to current members of Boomers Forever. You must opt-in to participate.


To sign up for Boomers Forever NextDoor, click on the link below or copy/paste it into the address bar in your browser. Once we confirm your current Boomer membership, you will be approved, usually within a day or so.



Frequently Asked Questions


Q: How do I get to Boomers NextDoor once I sign up?

A: Several ways:

  1. Bookmark the site when you are in it for easy access

  2. Click on any Boomers Next Door Email you receive

  3. Log onto On the first screen, on the left side under the column marked “Home”, scroll down until you see Rossmoor Boomers

  4. Also on the first screen, on the upper-right side, you will see:

 "Rossmoor - Tice Creek has 164 groups"

From photography to parenting and more, check out what’s happening in your neighborhood.

View groups"


When you click on View Groups, it will display all the NextDoor groups you belong to. Click on the one you want.


Q: How do I post something on NextDoor?

A: The top of the home screen there is a shaded space to write a post, add a picture, etc.


Q: What are the rules for posting on Boomers Forever NextDoor?

A: Just like our previous chat board, we ask everyone to be respectful, kind, and limit posts to general topics related to Boomers/Rossmoor activities and interests. Please, no political opinions, Rossmoor rants, excessive selling. Please limit the offer of items for sale to at most 2 times. When selling items, please include your personal email/phone number for responses directly to you. NextDoor also has the option to private message the poster.


Have fun! We look forward to connecting with you!



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